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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and 5i Team
I yearn for a position in a pipeline company. Do you think the sector is fully valued at this point, or could one of the group be cheap, or at least be reasonably priced, and provide growth possibilities. I am anticipating that the oil price will increase over the next few years.
Read Answer Asked by Conrad L on March 03, 2017
Q: This is not a question but a remark on Alaris Royalty. You state in a reply to a member: (Date: Mar 02, 2017 07:16 AM), "we would be cautious on any company that has cut dividends in the past. AD has so we would rule it out for your restrictions". If Alaris has cut it's dividend sometime in the past, I can find no record of that happening. As a satisfied if frustrated owner of AD I would like you to specify when this cut occured please and Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on March 02, 2017
Q: I currently hold about 13% of my portfolio in financials. FFH, IFC, GSY and FSZ in Canada and the XLF and BLX in the US. I am planning on topping up to 15% financials. FSZ is my smallest holding. Would you add to it at this time? The stock has been performing very poorly in the last two weeks while the others have done much better. It would be added because of its high dividend.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on March 02, 2017
Q: I am hunting for reliable dividend payers - companies likely to be around for the next 20years( highly safe - if not guaranteed safe) for the financial sector of an income portfolio.
These 4 have comparable yields. All are around 6%. I know there are issues with Alaris - so would not likely buy it unless you consider it buyable now.

But how about the others: would you recommend all - 1 - none?

Any guidance would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on March 02, 2017
Q: These are the only 2 stocks I own in roughly equal portions of $41,000.00 each in my TFSA.
I am looking at selling equal amounts of each stock to buy another equally weighted stock.
I prefer small caps with a 5%+ yield and good growth potential for long term hold. DRIP if possible.
Would you name 3 stocks which you think may be suitable. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Derek on March 02, 2017
Q: Please dock two questions for this:

1. Would EIF be best held in a TFSA or non-registered account?
2. What would you recommend for a high divdiend paying stock in the consumer space for a non-registered account. Would BPF.UN be a good choice?
Read Answer Asked by Carla on February 28, 2017