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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Dear Peter and Team,

My weighting in bonds has decreased as my stocks (matching BE portfolio plus some US and international holdings) have increased. I was considering trimming some stock gains and adding some short-duration bonds. What do you think of the following two choices?

1. AT&T INC, 3.2 coupon (current Ask YTM is 2.77835%) maturing 3/1/2022
2. FORD MOTOR CREDIT CO LLC, 3.336 coupon (Ask YTM 2.71415%), maturing 3/18/2021

The goal I am trying to achieve with the bonds is preservation of capital with small returns as a bonus and reduction of portfolio standard deviation by adding low-correlation securities. Current total bond weighting is about 7.5% and I am 35 years old.
Read Answer Asked by Marc on May 09, 2017
Q: Hi 5i,
I’ve owned SFL for years, since shortly after I first became aware of it via some early 5i comments. The holding is under water and has been for much of the time I’ve owned it, though the amount it is down has been more than offset by the generous dividend payments received. It has always been priced as though its dividend was in significant jeopardy but the dividend has actually been increased more than once while I have held it. What do you think of its prospects these days? I don’t have any other marine shipping exposure. I can’t help noting that the short interest is listed by my online broker as about 16% of the “float”. Is it time to abandon ship? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Lance on May 08, 2017
Q: Dear 5i
My current financial adviser has me in a large position of a global bond etf. I can`t continue with this etf when i switch toQuestrade as it is not tradeable there .
The question is should i continue to remain in global bonds and if so what would you suggest in terms of an etf or should i just stick with North American bond etf`s?
Bill C.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on May 08, 2017
Q: Hallo I5, is there a tax advantage between dfn, df and zwu, would you please rate or rank them from safety point of view. Perhaps suggesting a couple better ones. I do not have any India holding. Would you consider either of the above safe with reasonable MER, perhaps a suggesting a couple better ones. Many thanks, J.A.P. Burlington
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on May 08, 2017