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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi: Some time ago Pure Industrial was favourably mentioned on BNN because about 30% of its holdings are focused on warehousing for e-commerce distribution. An article in today's Globe and Mail also mentions it in this context. I note your comments on AAR have been cautiously positive, but not enthusiastic. Would you mind expanding on the e-commerce linkage? Is it less than it appears? Also, can you point me to other stocks that focus on the development of E-commerce distribution facilities? many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Roland on July 24, 2017
Q: Hi 5i - I have a half position in BPF.UN (that has done well) and thinking about adding a half position in AW.UN (need some more consumer exposure). You have mentioned its preferable to buy into strength rather than negative momentum - what would you recommend here? Or should I just buy PBH? Thanks, Neil
Read Answer Asked by Neil on July 24, 2017
Q: I've recently sold my ZRE position and am looking for some suggestions on what to consider purchasing with the extra funds on the fixed income side of my portfolio. My equity portfolio is balanced; I am about 8 years from retirement, and am conservative in my approach. I am about 30% in laddered GICs, 5% individual bonds, 3% CPD and 5% in cash. I don't have any bond ETFs (and am concerned about the principal in a rising interest rate environment). What to do with the extra cash? More CPD? Or an international REIT? Or a bond ETF, Canadian or International? Or something else?
Read Answer Asked by Brenda on July 24, 2017
Q: Want to refine my pipeline/processor holdings consisting of ALA,ENB,ENF,IPL,KEY,PPL,VSN.
Looking for yield plus growth of ~7%. Have held all for over three years and some seem range bound,Not sure which have the most castalyst for growth.
Your thoughts on best to own and which to drop. Would likely convert the proceeds of disposed ones into more of the holds to maintain same total $ position in the group.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 24, 2017
Q: Good morning.

I'm not a fan of short sellers but, with EIF, they may have a point on the cash flow. Looking back at the last 5 years (, it does seem that they are consistently showing negative free cash flow and this seems to be primarily due to investing in PP&E rather than acquisitions. If it was for acquisitions, I would view it more positively but for PP&E, every year, not so much. What is your opinion?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 24, 2017
Q: More of a comment than a question.
I sold half of my EIF holdings several years ago when there was a similar short attack which proved to be unfounded and also demonstrated that EIF management is actually very capable. The stock more than doubled after that, but is tumbling again not because it is a badly-run company but because it is small enough to be vulnerable to a short. I've come to the conclusion that these short attacks set up an irresistable negative psychology and a well-funded and clever shorter is probably unstoppable at least in the near to medium term. As a general rule it seems to me better to sell very early in this situation. Appreciate your thoughts
Read Answer Asked by richard on July 24, 2017
Q: Greetings guys.

Question: If you had to split a 5% position among the names above, using strength of balance sheet, dividend growth, eps growth and valuation as determining factors, which name or names would you select and what percentage would you allocate to them.

Do you think the utility / alternative energy sector is a decent place to invest in against the backdrop of a rising rate environment. Theoretically, what weighting in a portfolio would you make this sector.


Read Answer Asked by john on July 21, 2017
Q: Morning-I am a retiree whom is dependent on monthly income to survive.I have 60K to invest in my cash account hoping to create some income. I am thinking of T,BNS,and ENB (alternating 4% monthly returns)...or would 5i think that monthly incomes from CSH.UN , AD and EIF (better tax break) be an OK strategy. I have both BE and Income portfolios covered in registered accounts , full up in TFSA ... what to do with cash??? Thanks for all you do.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on July 21, 2017