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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What do you think about Algonquin's 54% debt to asset ratio? Is this a little high or not bad? I note that it is higher than bep and bip's ratios. With word of them looking at more acquisitions, are they in potential trouble with debt levels if they do so? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 30, 2017
Q: Can you tell me the debt to asset ratios for the above four companies? And how about the payout ratio for each? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 29, 2017
Q: Hello 5i:
I can't get a 10 year history on this fund (am presently an owner), and would like to add to it. Can you advise, using opinion if that's all that's available, how this fund would have fared in the period between 2005 and 2010? I've tried using funds in the category, but it seems to regularly beat the category, so this may not be a valid comparison. If its a true high-yield fund, the performance in ANY volatile period should be disma. Can you comment please?
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on August 29, 2017
Q: When you buy an action with a dividende at a given rate, does the dividend payment you receive stay the same indepently from the variations in the price of the action ?
And, when you buy the same action again, but at a different price and at a different dividend rate, how do you calculate the actual dividend you are to receive ? For exemple,if I bought bip.un at 44. with a dividend rate of 4.40% and I buy it again at 54. with a dividend rate of 4.%, what is the effective combined dividend rate after the second purchase ?

Thank you for your kind attention,

Read Answer Asked by Jacques on August 29, 2017
Q: I am slowly building the BE portfolio in my RRSP as funds become available. For instant diversification, would it make sense to own 20-30% ZDV for access to bigger names like BNS, ENB, MG, T, MX, CGX and SLF? Basically Financials, Energy and Utilities would be covered. I could then concentrate on adding the smaller names like SIS, PBH, GUD, ENGH, TOY for the remainder of the portfolio? Would it defeat the essence of the BE portfolio? Any other ETF would be better? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Bernard on August 28, 2017
Q: On august 17 in answer to an ALA question, you said that a regulatory agency (?) had recommended AGAINST approval of the US acquisition. I have head nothing about this anywhere else. Can you please elaborate, tell us how important this may be for ultimate approval, and provide a link to this? I was quite surprised to hear this, given the Q2 conference call said progress on the acquisition was ahead of schedule and they expected final approval by the end of Q2.
Read Answer Asked by arnold on August 28, 2017
Q: I am an income focused investor who also wants growth. It appears that 5i generally favors ENB over ENF because it is larger and has other better attributes comparatively. Can you help give some examples or scenarios where the stock price of ENF may go down but, not ENB. Do you think ENF price would go down if ENB announced that they were selling a portion of their holdings?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on August 24, 2017
Q: Hello team,

I am looking for income in energy sector? i am leaning towards a investment in more of a gas related company than oil, I believe its a better longer term bet. The two companies i am most interested in are Keyera and Altagas. They both have been trending lower lately! What is the main difference in the two companies, and which is your favourite for a 3-5 year hold. Plus could both be owned? Do they compliment each other?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on August 24, 2017
Q: Greetings 5i,
I currently hold half positions in both BCE and RCI.B (BCE for stability and RCI.B for growth). I am a fairly conservative investor, and like the telecom sector for its ability (at least in my opinion) to be somewhat defensive in more volatile markets.

In your opinion, is it worth it to hold both of these companies, or would you recommend a single holding at a full position? If the latter, which would you recommend I keep?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lucas on August 23, 2017
Q: Hello 5i,

I would like to hear your suggestions on what the 2 best choices are for Dividend paying ETF's from the list above or any others I didn't mention. One for CAD and one for USA (on the TSX). I would want to keep these for 10-15 years or even into my retirement if returns continue to make it worth it.

Thank you kindly,

Read Answer Asked by Paul on August 23, 2017
Q: Hi Peter,
I am considering buying TPK and RPI.UN for a long term hold. I am 69 and am interested in dividend yield to augment my pension. I consider these "filler stocks" that I buy when I have cash that I don't need to use. If these are not good candidates,can you suggest others that are under the $30. range. Thanks for your input.
Read Answer Asked by Jane on August 22, 2017