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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you explain why Fortis shows a negative free cash flow, and how this relates to its dividend? Is it because they have long term contracts in place, so they are able to predict further cash flows? When I compare it to Canadian Utilites, their free cash flow is positive. I feel like I’m missing something with Fortis.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on July 12, 2018
Q: I would expect hydro one to sell off today. Do you think it is a buy at his time and how much of a discount from yesterday's close should one pay given the uncertainty that will exist in the short term? This would be held by a retired person in an income Rrsp account. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maggie on July 12, 2018
Q: Can you list your top 5 best ideas for buying yield/income > 3% with potential for some capital gains - due to being undervalued - right now?
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on July 10, 2018
Q: I am looking for a good value stock with high yield, min. 5%. Can you add someone more to the two above?
Read Answer Asked by Margita Elisabet on July 10, 2018
Q: I am 75% in equity with less than 10% in Canada, and mostly US with tech emphasis, plus Global and EM. The rest of the 25% is invested with a well known active manager (0.6% MER) of corporate bonds who invested in short-term corp bonds of no more than 2 years duration plus floating rate bonds. No Government or long bonds. With rising interest rate albeit not rapidly over time, bonds are not really a place to be in. Corporate bonds can lose capital as well if there is a significant downturn. What is your view on holding cash in MMF in lieu of corp bonds as a fixed income allocation of a portfolio in the foreseeable future as capital preservation? USD MMF instead of CAD cash?
Read Answer Asked by Ford on July 10, 2018
Q: With trade tariffs and uncertainty in the markets what Is the wise move with russel metals, hold or sell? I have a large position so would not be interested in buying more. I hold it in my RRSP for the yield. If you suggest a sell what could replace it considering I also hold BCE, BMO, HR.UN, NVU.UN as well as 4 small caps for growth but no dividends.
Read Answer Asked by Louise on July 09, 2018
Q: Payout ratios

I am confused about payout ratios. I have read here several times that you prefer to stick with dividend income stocks that have payout ratios below 50%. You have also suggested recently that the following were good solid choices for dividend income stocks. Your website does not include payout ratios, but I suspect your calculation is different from those I have found elsewhere. Below are the payout ratios I found in other places. As you can see, they are mostly above 50%, and some are above 100%!

Could you please comment on your calculation of payout ratios, that have these below 50%, or why the high ratio is acceptable presently?

Thanks again.

PWF 72%
BCE 97%
CU 116%
TRP 78%
ENB 182%
TRI 169%
QSR 79%
AQN 130%
T 82%
Read Answer Asked by Federico on July 06, 2018