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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am looking for dividend income of 5% or more with dividend payment date quarterly in Feb. May,Aug.and Nov. What companies could you recommend? I already have EMA, PWF. I had BMO but sold it as I am quite heavily weighted in financials owning BNS, TD, PWF, GSY,SLF
Many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Jennifer on February 25, 2019
Q: Hi Peter and Co.
I currently own MSI, PLC and TCN in a well diversified RRIF. These 3 are under-represented and I have some cash to deploy. Assuming these 3 are keepers, which would you add to?
Thanks, as always.
Read Answer Asked by Joanne on February 25, 2019
Q: As a holder of aw I am consernd about your comments that the beef used is antibiotic free .
The use of growth hormones in the beef industry is all but redundant due to the advancement on genitics.there for a easy thing to say and advertise.
Antibiotic free beef is something that is impossible on a commercial scale and AW on there website verified this .
In 5:i assessment of aw claimed it sells only antibiotic free meat not so
Kind regards
Read Answer Asked by Stan on February 22, 2019
Q: Good morning,

Two questions this morning. Both are would you make the switch?

I have JNJ that I bought at the $65.00 range back in 2011I think. Would you sell and switch it to ABBV?? Or stay the course?

Same goes for PPL. I have owned it for quite a while and it has gone up nice. Would you switch it to IPL or stay the course?

Read Answer Asked by Jimmy on February 22, 2019
Q: Are FSV, CIGI, SIA, and CSH.UN considered to be REITS? I would like to increase my REIT exposure and I would appreciate recommendations on 2 or 3 that you believe to be reasonably priced now for growth rather than income. Do you consider ownership in property to be counted as part of an exposure to REITs?
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on February 22, 2019
Q: Hello,
I hold TRP 5%, FTS 4%, ENB 3%, EMA 1.2%, PPL 1.2%, & AQN 1.2% in my accounts. I plan to increase the smaller holdings to about 2% each. I like these stocks for their dividends and their international diversification. Are these 6 utilities reasonable choices as long term holdings or should I look elsewhere?
Would you please rank them.
I am way past my retirement age but do not relay on the dividend income from these stocks.

Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Werner on February 22, 2019
Q: The fixed income portion of my portfolio is largely made up of high yield corporate Canadian bonds. Infrequently, during the past decade or so, a company will exercise its right to "call" one of my bonds, and an early redemption occurs. This past week, however, a high number of companies have called their bonds, many to be redeemed next month. The companies include Parkland Fuel, Russel Metals, Cascade, Air Canada, Superior Plus, Laurentian Bank, Sobeys, Cameco and Brookfield Asset Management. I am very puzzled as to why so many different bonds are being called at the same time? I also want to endorse a recent comment made by Lance about Hank Cunningham's book, which as very helpful in my early bond-investing days.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on February 22, 2019
Q: Hello Peter & Ryan, I am wondering why Crius simply said it received another unsolicited offer by a second company that was superior to the first one and offered that to explain the increase in the purchase price of the first offer. Do you find it unusual for Crius not to give us (the shareholders) the details of this second offer? Who was it from, was it all cash, was it a combination of cash and shares in their company etc... Maybe this information war released and I missed it? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Mario on February 21, 2019