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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I hold the common shares of BK & PVD the split product issued by Quadravest and have been happy for about 12 years even when they suspended pay out for a while.
I would like to know your take on their preferreds. BK.PR.A & PVD.PR.A as to their distribution safety compared to their underlining assets ( banks and insurance companies). Would you advise holding or buy some of the preferred or would see holding a bank ETF as better. Your overall view of the above would be appreciated.

Read Answer Asked by JOSEPH on February 07, 2019
Q: I have been a long term holder of POW and have become frustrated with the performance of the share price and dividend increases. I am interested in replacing it with ENB, BIP.UN, or IPL ? I accept that these companies are in different sectors. It seems the Demarais family cannot enhance shareholder value despite the multiple voting shares they hold. Thanks. Joe
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on February 07, 2019