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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am building a cdn dividend acct
(most pay 4% or higher)
Presently I have. Aqn, BNs, bce, cm, enb, Eif, IPL, npi, ppl, Ry, trp, t, td, and vet
Can you please suggest a few others I may consider
Thank you for all your help,
Read Answer Asked by Michael on May 16, 2019
Q: Own all 3 in TFSA: 400 SIS, 1500 SPB & 1000 BIP.UN (thanks to ECI purchase - ended up with 1500 - sold 500). Sitting on $50K cash in this account. I was thinking of adding 600 SHS of SIS and 500 SHS of SPB ( owned since 2009) which will still leave me with a fair bit of cash to deploy. Comments/suggestions. Not a lot to choose from in TSX group. Large equity portfolios: RRIF, RRSP & Non Registered accounts.
Read Answer Asked by James on May 16, 2019
Q: Just received a notice from TD re Corus:
TD Direct Investing would like to inform you that the following New Issue has just been announced.
"Corus Entertainment Inc.
Short Description: Secondary Offering of Class B Non-Voting Participating Shares via Bought Deal
Price: $6.80 CDN per share.
Settlement: On or about May 31 2019."
The current price is $8.06 and it hasn't traded at $6.80 in a month.
How can they do this price?
Read Answer Asked by Madeline on May 15, 2019