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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am Canadian citizen/resident who owns both BEP.UN:CA and BIP.UN:CA within my TFSA (at TD-Waterhouse). After receiving the new shares related to both of these holdings, should I keep all four securities within the TFSA, or should I consolidate into one of the other type of security (and if so which one)? (I don't mind paying the transaction fees if this helps simplify things.) Also, I currently hold both positions within the Canadian dollar portion of my TFSA, but I can move these over to the U.S. dollar side of my TFSA, if this makes more sense to you, in advance of these spinoffs.

Read Answer Asked by Ted on November 19, 2019
Q: Hello 5i Team
I currently own ALA with a purchase price of $20.80.
I desire to sell the stock at $20.80 or greater before the end of 2019 with a preference after November 25 so I receive the December 15 dividend.
Which is the better option:
1 - Do I enter a limit order ($20.80) with an expiry date of December 27 and wait for the order to fill?
2 - Do I sell a call option (December 20, 2019) with a strike price of $21 which provides about $0.15 per share (before commission) and if the shares are not called away, then sell the shares after December 20? The option premium will further reduce my cost basis.
If I sell a call option with a strike price of $21.00, if the share price rises to $21.00 on November 25 (as an example) are the shares called away immediately or are the shares called away only if the share price on December 20 is equal to or greater than $21.00?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on November 14, 2019
Q: 7:02 AM 11/14/2019

There seems to be a lot of confusion. Which of BEP, BIP, BPY are going to be relocated to Toronto and have the 5 for 4 "Stock Split"? Any idea yet of the Ex-Dividend Dates?
Thank you......... Paul K
Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 14, 2019
Q: BEP and BIP have each grown to just over 9% of my portfolio. That’s great, but I’m in a quandary. With other stocks I might be tempted to trim and reinvest, but there seems to be momentum here and the spin out sounds interesting. What say you? Trim and reinvest? If trim, then back down to 5% each?

Then.... where to reinvest? I’m well diversified and would look for income stocks with some growth potential. Mainly, I’d want something that is a good replacement for the potential and stability of Brookfield. Perhaps a different Brookfield? Perhaps park it for the potential to pick something sold for a tax loss?
Read Answer Asked by Danny on November 14, 2019