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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i,
Thoughts on purchasing BAM.A and SLF at current prices, or wait for lower prices? Do you think their dividends are safe?
Thoughts on the Canadian oil sector with respect to SU and CNQ? While dividends cuts have happened and likely to continue, do you see long term value in purchasing at these levels and do you prefer one over the other? Worth the risk for a 5 year hold?
Thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by Terry on May 07, 2020
Q: Hi
I have held Emera for a few years in a TFSA (~2% of total portfolio). You seem to prefer other companies in the utilities sector. What is your preferred pick(s) for this sector and would you recommend switching out of EMA? I also have ~1.5% in ZUT. My other holding primarily consist of a split of broad market ETFs.

Read Answer Asked by Everett on May 06, 2020
Q: I know you generally think Chorus Entertainment has too much debt but do you not think that this company is seriously undervalued in the market? They will generate near $200 million in FCF in 2020/21 even with the Covid-19 hit. They do have $1.65 billion in debt but they have been paying this down with the FCF ($250 million recently) and none of this debt is going to impact them in 2020/21. You factor this in and even with a "possible" dividend cut in June, this stock seems very cheap. I don't own any yet but I keep looking at it and thinking about it. Any other thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on May 06, 2020
Q: As a dividend investor with a long term hold philosophy, can you tell me which sectors are least likely to cut dividends in the next 1 - 2 years.
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on May 06, 2020
Q: Hi 5i,

Gold seems to be doing well in these uncertain times, as it has been touted to be, a safe haven. I have read many of the Q&A database but I am not sure if the following has been asked. Few Gold companies provide dividends but I am attracted to those that do, as dividends provide confidence on the company. FNV is one.

Do you think that in the current environment (rising Gold prices, uncertainty, increased demand) that those dividend producing Gold companies might increase their dividends ? If so, do you have one or two that might be the most likely to do so ? (Or, ... one or two that might initiate a dividend - please subtract 2 questions).

Thanks for your rock hard committment to your clients during these strange times. VERY re-assuring.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 05, 2020