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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i team. Is this company a buy? Stock just plummeted from an all time high to an all time low in the space of a month. Yes, I know the sector is suffering big time, but Warren Buffet's words keep ringing in my head: “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful." I just don't see this longstanding energy stalwart fading away, much less fossil fuels (eco crazies be damned). Your views would be greatly appreciated. Thanks as always for your knowledge and analysis. - Asher
Read Answer Asked by Asher on April 09, 2020
Q: In early March, as the markets dramatically weakened due to looming economic damage from Covid-19, I sold four smaller, lower-quality positions within my portfolio, mainly for tax-loss reasons (the proceeds represent <2% of the portfolio value), with the intention (option) to re-buy after 30 days (as my philosophy is long-term buy-and-hold). The question now, of course, is whether to re-buy any or all of the 4 positions sold (fortunately, 3 of the 4 are trading at prices substantially lower than what I sold them for). I wonder what your advice would be as to whether to re-buy any or all of these at this time:
(a) Russel Metals;
(b) Cenovus (note—I already hold Suncor as a major position, which I could add to instead);
(c) MTY Food Group (I already hold as major positions SBUX and QSR);
(d) Premium Brand Holdings.

Read Answer Asked by Ted on April 08, 2020
Q: Please rank the above ETFs in order of preference for income and safety. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Paul W on April 08, 2020
Q: Retired dividend-income investor. I've held Alaris for years, dating back to 2012. I have trimmed and topped up around a core position and it has worked very well over the years. I believe in the management team and acknowledge that Alaris is a higher risk income stock.

I'm just wondering about the recent price action over the last couple of days (today is Apr 7/20). Is it as simple as 1) the stock has fallen so far and is now rebounding, and/or 2) we are currently in a risk-on environment?

What are your current thoughts on Alaris and it's stock price movements? Anything new on your dividend crystal ball gazing?

Thanks for your insight...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on April 08, 2020
Q: Hi,

Do you agree that many REITS and utility companies are historically way overvalued considering their lack of growth?
If I was to invest in REITS and utility companies for the next few years, could u pick 2 REITS you like for US and 2 for CDN exposure?
Could you also pick two utility companies you like for US and 2 for CDN exposure?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on April 08, 2020
Q: I already own premium brand and saputo. I would like to add other food companies distributing to grocery stores. Any top picks come to mind? I would prefer large cap / core holding type but would consider smaller companies based on your recommendation. Does this thesis make sense in this environment? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on April 07, 2020
Q: hello 5i:
I'm considering selling RAY.A, just to get rid of a really weak stock, and something that has become a very small holding in the portfolio. One thing is holding me back, and that is the dividend and its safety. Can you discuss how RAY.A has been impacted and look forward? I believe that a company that can continue to pay a decent dividend will be (even more) valuable with interest rates falling. That might be double edged if interest rates begin to rise quickly.
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on April 07, 2020
Q: Bank dividends, now that banks in Europe are suspending div and JPM is talking about doing the same do you see this rolling over into Canadian banks. If so how much impact on share price as so many of us rely on the Div.

Thanks for you view.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on April 07, 2020
Q: I have a little Brookfield Infrastrucure, and was thinking of buying more. I'm concerned, though, about short and medium-term risk given they have holdings such as timber (the demand for which has fallen), gas transmission lines (the value of which rises and falls with price), toll roads (which aren't getting much use), and rail lines that require coal demand. Do you think their next quarterly report will show a drastic downturn beyond what most people are expecting?
Read Answer Asked by John on April 07, 2020
Q: Hi 5i,

All other things being equal, wouldn't BIPC be superior over BIP.UN because of tax implications and greater accessibility by a wider range of investors?

I ask because I noticed over the last few trading days, BIP.UN has traded at a slight premium over BIPC. I would think it would be the opposite. Maybe some investors are doing portfolio clean up after the split and selling the small amounts of BIPC they have?

Personally I think BIPC is the better one to own?


Read Answer Asked by Wayne on April 07, 2020
Q: How would you rank the banks? Strongest to weakest in this environment.
I'm considering selling some far "out of the money" puts to get some income. And if I get assigned, so be it. I'll suffer with a few bank positions yielding close to 8%. Geez, we're talking about bank stocks! I figure if they get into trouble we're ALL in really really BIG trouble.
For example, TD at $40 would yield me 7.9% in dividends. That's like 10.2% in interest. Or RBC at $58 would yield me 7.4% in dividends.
So which Canadian banks would "crack" under pressure and which wouldn't.
Thanks and take care!
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on April 07, 2020
Q: Given that the CDZ ETF holds companies with a 5 year record of raising dividends, I am wondering if there are going to be very many left after this crisis. Best case scenario I think for most companies would be to hold their dividend due to the uncertainty. That leaves a small universe of possible companies to hold and may lead to concentration in Banks and Telcos, maybe pipelines. Any comment?
Read Answer Asked by Earl on April 07, 2020
Q: Power Financial has merged with Power Corporation. The dividend is over 8% and just recently raised before this covid virus. But when they were two companies, combined the dividend would be much higher for two companies so do you think they would still cut the dividend?
I know they haven't created much value over the years but now being a merged company, do you see more upside? I know you prefer Sunlife. I just think Power Corporation has more divisions they could spin off once this downturn is over. Do you agree?
Read Answer Asked by Helen on April 07, 2020
Q: Like everyone else I have been hammered in the oil sector.
Would it be prudent to sell off GEI, IPL, and KEY, take the capital loss and funnel all the remaining funds into a company like SU, which do doubt will survive this crisis and now with a nice dividend yield?
Has SU ever cut their dividend and how safe do you think it is even in this environment?

Is their another company you might prefer over SU, (other then ENB, RNW & BEP.UN) which I have as well?
Would you sell all of the three above or hold on to one of them maybe?
Deduct points as you deem appropriate.
Read Answer Asked by JEFF on April 07, 2020
Q: Good morning,
This past week, I've been reviewing each holding in my Non Registered account to identify suitable tax loss harvesting candidates. Before selling any of these tax loss harvesting candidates, I must identify the best proxy replacement.
One my tax loss harvest candidates is XDV which I've held for many years now but like so may other stocks and ETFs these days, is now quite underwater. Although I still like XDV as a core holding and it pains me to sell it, I'm looking at selling XDV and purchasing CDZ as a proxy. Your thoughts on this tentative plan would be appreciated along with any other proxy that you would consider more appropriate. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on April 06, 2020
Q: Not a question - a clarification as I don't think the distribution/dividend level has been fully explained. Before the split I was in contact with BIP.UN IR to clarify the distribution level and was informed that the distribution level would be identical for both BIP.UN and BIPC but will be at 90% of the BIP.UN distribution rate prior to the split. This ensures that the total distribution for the 2 holdings are equivalent to the pre-split amount. Here is the wording from the prospectus.

"Further, immediately following completion of the special distribution, the
distribution level on the units will be reduced to nine-tenths (9/10ths) of the pre-closing distribution level as a result of the one (1) for nine (9) special distribution, and the dividend level on the class A shares will be identical to the post-closing unit distribution level, with the result that the aggregate distribution received by a holder on its units and class A shares will be the same as it would have received if the special distribution had not been made."

Hope this is useful for everyone out there who now holds BIP.UN and BIPC.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on April 06, 2020