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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I've owned both these for over 11 years now and have been very happy with net returns (dividend compounding + capital). Not overweight at all: 1300 shares of each - added to over the years on weakness. My concern is the hysteria over climate change and governments actions and potential actions that have hurt O & G companies. I believe that both these companies have large investments in utility businesses and plans to expand that part of their business. Q: should I continue to hold them, add to ENB (price low), or leave my positions alone.
Read Answer Asked by James on August 05, 2020
Q: If my first objective is capital appreciation, how would you rank these three? Second question, my perception is that FTS isn't as "renewable" compared to BEP and AQN. How would you compare FTS to the other two in this regard?
Read Answer Asked by Albert on August 04, 2020
Q: I purchased BEP.UN on July 30, 2020. On that day, the CFRA report available through my bank's investorline site had it down as a 'hold'. Then, the next day (July 31st ), CFRA had it down as a 'buy' and then on Aug 2nd as a 'sell'. I usually sell when CFRA advises to sell. My questions are:
1) How can CFRA ratings change this quickly?
2) How reliable are CFRAs ratings?
3) Should I sell?
Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Mary on August 04, 2020
Q: Hi Peter, wondering about your views post-covid and now sports slowly coming back (i.e. demand for pizza 73)? Do you still see same store sales anemic? Not stock price great last 3 years and back to its 2008 low ... how has management & financials ( i.e. earnings per share) responded this post-covid (i.e. was it similar or better than what they did in 08 comparisons)? Would you classify this company undervalued (i.e. enough cash flow, assets doing well or not vs debt)? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 31, 2020