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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i,
do you think AQN, BEP.UN, BEPC, BLX and NPI might experience some tax loss selling pressure for the remainder of 2021?
Can you rate them in order of purchase preference with #1 being the most favoured for an income portfolio.

Read Answer Asked by Ian on August 19, 2021
Q: Hello, I'm looking to take a large position (for me!) as part of a generational investment approach and I'm trying to decide between the two or to invest in both.

Here are some the questions I was hoping you could include in your answer:

Do you see these as good candidates for a set-it-and-forget-it long term investment?
What are some of your reasons for preferring one over the other?
Do they ship a similar product mix?
Do they have similar revenue growth - both pipeline and non-pipeline?
Is there a difference in financial health/dividend stability?
Do they ship to similar places? eg Henry Hub for gas/Texas refineries vs cross-Canada vs international shipping ports?
Would you prefer one vs the other or would you allocate a portion in each?
Read Answer Asked by Neelesh on August 16, 2021
Q: Seems like many of the renewable stocks are showing weak earnings and/or weak stock prices. Is this a short/.medium/long term trend? Are they short term covid related issues?
Read Answer Asked by Albert on August 13, 2021
Q: Looking for your opinion for three dividen stocks to invest $55kfor 3year term thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on August 13, 2021