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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Read Answer Asked by Maureen on January 26, 2023
Q: I am a dividend growth investor and I’m running out of patience with Rogers who hasn’t increased its dividend in over 3 yrs. It appears that Rogers takeover of Shaw is almost certain at this point. This takeover will cost Rogers 20 billion and likely add significant debt to their balance sheet. Do you see Rogers increasing its dividend anytime soon or ever again? I’m considering selling my Rogers shares for a small profit and using the proceeds to increase my Telus holdings and was curious as to your thoughts on this move. Really appreciate the great service that you provide.
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on January 26, 2023
Q: I have a question for 5i with respect to the “oil service subsector” of the energy sector. I currently own some pipeline stocks (large cap) and some E&P stocks (one small cap and one mid cap), however, I do not own an oil service stock at the present time. So…. I have some questions and would appreciate your views on the subsector.

With E&P companies focused on balance sheets, and returning capital to shareholders, are those management actions having any impact on the oil services sector?? Your views please.

If you think the oil services sector is not unduly impacted by the E&P focus outlined, how do you view the services sector – is it a favourable view??

How might one invest in the sector, would I be better off with a large cap like Schlumberger, Baker Hughes, or Haliburton and if so which one (s) would you favour? If not, are there smaller cap companies that warrant some investor attention and what names come to mind, would your focus be US based or Canadian based – thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by jeff on January 24, 2023
Q: I am interested in increasing my current energy holdings (ENB, TRP, WMB, LNG, TVE, TOU) for higher dividends, likely by selling WMB for PNE, GXE or PEY but saw PBR with its huge 50+% dividend.

Normal questions apply: sustainable, country risk...? Is this the type of heightened div percentages Can companies are talking about increasing toward?

Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by David C. on January 24, 2023
Q: How would you rank these companies for growth, stability
and dividend security? I'm thinking to trim WCP and FRU
to add these others.

Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 24, 2023
Q: Good morning 5i team!

May I please get your thoughts on ERF. I've held it for a while and have done well. I'm concidering rotating out of this name and shifting to either WCP, HWX or TVE all of which have better dividends and could run harder if oil catches a bid (as many oil bulls are expecting). Do you prefer any of these name over the others....or, stay the course. Thoughts?


Read Answer Asked by David on January 23, 2023
Q: Have held RNW for about 6 years, and seen it go up, then down, then way up and way down. At the moment I am up a couple percent on the stock price (not including dividends). I know they had some issues with their off-shore turbines, and recently I have read some comments about them probably reducing the dividend in the near future. Could you comment on RNW in general, and the dividend issue in particular. Do you think it might be better to take a small gain and move on, or just sit tight?
Thank-you, Grant
Read Answer Asked by grant on January 23, 2023
Q: I am looking at selling HR,PMZ , AD , ( 10% total weighting) keeping CRR and buying KMP(2.5%); all held in my RRIF.
Halifax ( where I live ) is booming ,has a strong rental housing market and KMP has a significant presence there. With continued high immigration and constrained construction the metrics look good for this sector. Some markets have rent control. While concentrated in Atlantic Canada, they are also growing in ON, AB ,and BC.

Your thoughts on KMP and on this portfolio change would be appreciated. Better rental reit suggested ?
Read Answer Asked by Derek on January 20, 2023
Q: Hello,

I am a recently retired individual. Over the past few years my wife and I have moved the majority of our investments into various income generating shares and units. (CDN Banks, Utilities, Pipelines and other higher yielding investments). One of our higher yielding investments is a holding in EIT.UN. We currently have about 3.2% of our combined retirement savings invested in EIT.UN. I'm hoping that you might be able to help me better understand how that vehicle is able to pay out an approximately 8.75% yield, on an ongoing basis? The dividend of $1.20 per unit appears to have been paid out continuously, since August of 2009.

I believe that a portion of the $1.20 that is being paid out per unit each year, is a Return of Capital but I have no clear understanding of what that might actually mean? Is an investment that is returning an investor's capital to them able to do so indefinitely? Wouldn't they eventually run out of capital to return to the investors and would that then necessitate a precipitous drop in the annual payout?

While we are enjoying the current dividends we don't wish to be blind to a potential decrease in those distributions and/or an accompanying drop in the principal value of our investment. Lastly, as it may apply to any tax considerations, please be aware that all of our retirement savings are held in various registered plans (RRSPs, LIRAs & TFSAs).

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Richard on January 20, 2023
Q: I hold SIS in a cash account and am up 4.5%. Considering selling it to purchase either EIF or AW.UN. Given my quest for solid dividends along with some growth and moderate risk - balanced with my aversion to paying capital gains tax - which course of action would you suggest and why? (Mindful of one of your favourite quotes about the stock market being a device to transfer money from the impatient to the patient...) Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on January 20, 2023