We would rather own both than do a wholesale switch. With taxes, assuming a high tax rate, TFII would need to do significantly better to offset the lower amount of invested capital after the tax hit. We do think TFII recovers, but it is going to require patience. But we like its long term history and trajectory. We would be comfortable buying, but think one can proceed slowly. We may yet see a recession. We would view CNR as much less risky. Not only is it 9X as large, it also operates in largely a two-company oligopoly, and it is in an harder-to-enter business. TFII has been more aggressive raising its dividend, so likely has better longer term income potential, or at least yields will likely get closer over time. Even with recent forecasts, TFII should have slightly higher short term growth. However, the longer term of course is always harder to call. We think owning some of each makes the most sense.
5i Research Answer: