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  5. BN: Why have the private equity stocks in US, been under pressure, for past 2 weeks ? [Brookfield Corporation Class A Limited Voting Shares]
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Q: Why have the private equity stocks in US, been under pressure, for past 2 weeks ?

With a much higher intrinsic value, never thought that BN could trade as low as $74, after hitting a high of $90, not long ago.

Is there any reason, specific to Brookfield Corp, or it's just the market and sector decline ?

Thank You
Asked by rajeev on March 07, 2025
5i Research Answer:

We think it is a bit of a combination of rising recession risks/concerns and then just some changing expectations around a space that was being viewed as a bit of a 'Trump trade', which is now reversing but not anything particularly specific to the space. BN is still up 33% in one year. It was $74 in November also and had a good bounce from there.