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  5. ET: Sales are a record, back orders are strong. [Evertz Technologies Limited]
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Q: Sales are a record, back orders are strong... is this company finally getting ready for better days. Wha do you see here?
Asked by Harry on March 06, 2025
5i Research Answer:

Q4 EPS of 27c beat estimates of 22c; revenue of $136.9M beat estimates of $128.5M. EBITDA of $32.1M beat estimates by 22%. Cash is $76M. It was a good quarter, but there is simply not much growth here. EPS expectations for 2026 are less than earnings seven years ago. Revenue did increase 9% in the recent quarter, however. Margins fell 1.1 points. Backlog is $269M, approx. six months of revenue. The stock is cheap, but trades for its dividend primarily, and its decline this year has already offset its full-year yield. Its small size adds risks as well. Insiders own 64%. We would note, though, that its current price is just 12% higher than its IPO price 19 years ago. We don't hate it, but it is hard to generate much interest with that sort of long term performance.