Q: Hello,
I hold BNS:CA for dividends. It has been dropping in price recently and I am looking to add to my position. I seem to remember it is a long term favourite within the bank stocks. Given the current Canadian and global "uneasieness", would your opinion change or would shift to TD:CA or XXX:CA (a bank) be in order. I have read the recent Q/A re: BNS:CA in the database,
I hold BNS:CA for dividends. It has been dropping in price recently and I am looking to add to my position. I seem to remember it is a long term favourite within the bank stocks. Given the current Canadian and global "uneasieness", would your opinion change or would shift to TD:CA or XXX:CA (a bank) be in order. I have read the recent Q/A re: BNS:CA in the database,
5i Research Answer:
We would be comfortable buying and holding BNS here, particularly with a long-term timeframe in mind. For long-term high conviction, we might give RY or TD the slight edge over BNS, but we largely feel the big Canadian banks will perform well in the coming years.