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  5. BAM: this email is in response to a question asked by Christopher on Feb 27, 25 please publish on 5iR the Brookfield group of companies make up over 10% of the market value of the Toronto Exchange to be... [Brookfield Asset Management Ltd. Class A Limited Voting Shares]
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Q: this email is in response to a question asked by Christopher on Feb 27, 25
please publish on 5iR
the Brookfield group of companies make up over 10% of the market value of the Toronto Exchange

to be up front, I hold Brookfield Asset Management (BAM), Brookfield Corporation that is the holding company that owns 70% of BAM, and also Brookfield Infrastructure

BAM, a dividend income stocks, is an asset play, meaning it takes in money from private investors and pension plans and other entities and then invests it on behalf of these groups of entities

nowadays, Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), either active or passive, are overtaking Mutual Funds, especially in the US

so as to attract attention of US ETFs, BAM is going to be domiciled in the US.....but the management will remain in TO....and this change is to encourage Americans and others to invest in BAM, increasing the profile by being listed on US stock exchange as well as the Toronto Stock Exchange

Mark Carney is the Chair of BAM and oversees the Board of Directors....the executives of BAM recommended this change of domicile to the was then submitted to the Board of Directors and was approved, chaired by Mark Carney

Pierre Poilievre, leader of the conservatives, likes to say it was Mark Carney that approved this change.....BUT THAT is FALSE as it was the elected Board of Directors of BAM that approved the change of domicile to the US

me, email this to CLARIFY the TRUE FACTS....Tom
Asked by Tom on February 28, 2025
5i Research Answer:

To save time, we typically do not edit questions. Bloomberg also reported the same information. Either way, our answer would not change.