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  5. MISC: Hello 5i, given the uncertainties and volatility of the TSX and SP 500, would consider selling some US/ CND equities and buy gold and or GIC to weather the possible tariffs? [Miscellaneous]
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Q: Hello 5i, given the uncertainties and volatility of the TSX and SP 500, would consider selling some US/ CND equities and buy gold and or GIC to weather the possible tariffs? If so what % of the portfolios would you sell? I am retired and have holdings in TFSA, RIF and individual accounts. Thank you in advance!
Asked by Yves on March 03, 2025
5i Research Answer:

We are a bit reluctant to sell names on the tariff concerns. There might be some specific Canadian names that are sensitive to this and managing exposures can make sense but we don't think that long-term investments need to change here at this stage. With that said, if an investor is looking to take some risk off the table, gold and fixed income can make sense and add diversification to a portfolio. If trimming due to concerns over tariffs, we would probbaly focus more on the Canadian side opposed to the US, as Canadian names are likely to be impacted more vs US.