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  5. BIP.UN: Hello Team, Could you please rank these three stocks for total return, capital appreciation and dividends, over the next two to three years and why. [Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P.]
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Q: Hello Team,
Could you please rank these three stocks for total return, capital appreciation and dividends, over the next two to three years and why.
Thank You,
Asked by Barry on February 27, 2025
5i Research Answer:

We would rank: BIP.UN, ENB, FTS

BIP has a more diversified business than the others, with substantial diversified income assets producing good cash flow. Very good growth is expected over the next two years. ENB has a solid dividend and stability, and has a good dividend growth record. FTS we really like for consistency, but has less growth potential. But it has raised its dividend every year for half a century.