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  5. BAM: Good morning [Brookfield Asset Management Ltd. Class A Limited Voting Shares]
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Q: Good morning: Which of the brookfield companies you think will be most benefitted in the next 12-18 months. Could u listed them in order of preference?
Secondly, How much does each of these companies contributed into the parent BN's bottom line. Thank you.
Asked by DAVID on February 25, 2025
5i Research Answer:

Anything can happen within the next 12-18 months, as these companies are highly sensitive to interest rates movement. We can’t say with high confidence which one would perform best in such a short time. That being said, over the next three to five years, we think investors have a better chance of getting them right, we are comfortable owning those names in this order of preference (most to least) due to the track record of operating results and the tailwind in the industry that each entity is currently operating in: BAM, BEPC, BIPC.

On Brookfield Corporation’s most recent Investor Day, slide 111, BN reported the contribution of each segment to BN’s distributable earnings. Specifically:

Asset Manager (BAM) accounts for around 53%

Wealth Solutions (BNT) accounts for around 30%

Operating businesses (renewable power, infrastructure, private equity, real estate) account for around 17%.