So which do you like better in a Trump world of tariffs ? A covered call bond ETF, a covered call treasury ETF, a covered call stock ETF ? I've been eyeballing HPYT for the simple reason that it appears to be at a low with a very high yield but I would like 5i's opinion. Could 5i list four or five ETF's which you feel would be good choices to play this theme ? It's okay if some of your choices are sub 10% ......{ I already own HYLD.U 6.9% position } And which sectors { bond, treasury, stock } would be the best choices in a Trump tariff world ? .... Thanks for your terrific service ......
We would lean to a covered call bond fund if safety was the main concern. Rates moving lower 'should' see better bond prices. That being said, HPYT is long bonds, and they have the most leverage to rates. If rates do not fall as expected, returns will be less here. We think 'safe' sectors such as utilties are good places to go. UMAX yields more than 14% currently. Multi-sector funds add diverisification. HDIV is 11.50% but does have 1.25 leverage. RCDC is non-levered (6.98%). HBND (11.35%) is another bond option. XYLD (10.3%) is an S&P 500 covered call fund so does have more equity risk exposure generally.