Vanguard U.S. Dividend Appreciation Index ETF (VGG)
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation FTF (VIG)
Vanguard Balanced ETF Portfolio (VBAL)
Also, can you advise if VBAL, VGG, VIG have non-eligible dividends.
Lastly, pls advise if there's any way to check before stock purchase what the subcategories there will be of dividend income and interest income.
Thanks for your quick reply to my earlier questions.
Many thanks in advance.
We have yet to see such a screener. The problem is that every year is different for companies. Some years will have eligible dividends, some will not. Vanguard has yet to update 2024 info but here is the data for 2023. VBAL had some eligible dividendsm VGG did not. VIG owns US securities only and thus will never have eligible dividends. The best source is going to the ETF manager's website directly, searching for 'tax info'.
Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in VGG, VIG.