BMO Equal Weight REITs Index ETF (ZRE)
Harvest Global REIT Leaders Income ETF (HGR)
Middlefield Real Estate Dividend ETF (MREL)
HGR is $56M in assets, focusing on global REITs. Management fee is 0.85%, MER 1.36%. Five year return is negative 3.95%. One year +7.56%. Indicated yield 9.38%. It is 72% US right now, 8% Singapore. MREL is $138M, fees 1.28%, 5 year +2.64%, one year +7.70%. Indicated yield 7.59%. The difference here is 72% exposure to Canada and 22% US. It is not a global fund. Even the small US exposure would have helped performance. It is hard to compare single companues to a diversified REIT. We would be comfortable with MREL for general exposure. ZRE is a much much larger ETF in the sector, but it has both lower yield and weaker returns than MREL.
Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in ZRE.