- Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (CAR.UN)
- BMO Mid Provincial Bond Index ETF (ZMP)
- iShares Core Canadian Universe Bond Index ETF (XBB)
- iShares Core Canadian Long Term Bond Index ETF (XLB)
Q: Hello,
Considering selling a combination of XBB, XLB, and ZMP and purchasing some CAP REIT. Would you see this as a good move? Or hold the bond ETFs? Looking for a longer term hold.
Considering selling a combination of XBB, XLB, and ZMP and purchasing some CAP REIT. Would you see this as a good move? Or hold the bond ETFs? Looking for a longer term hold.
5i Research Answer:
Bond ETFs should still be considered 'safer' than REITs, and certainly it is hard to compare a single company with a diversified fixed income ETF. We would be comfortable buying CAR.UN but would not see a wholesale shift out of bonds as the right approach here.