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  5. NVDA: I have two entirely different endpoints for my TFSA and my RRSP. [NVIDIA Corporation]
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Q: I have two entirely different endpoints for my TFSA and my RRSP. TFSA is shorter-term funds to pay down my mortgage, and RRSP - its intended purpose, longer-term funding for my retirement. In this case, would you consider the percentage of each account separately when weighting, or use the combined value? Currently I am separating, but because I own a couple of doubles (NVDA and TVK for example), the position sizes are higher than I would normally hold. If considered together, my positions do not exceed my maximum weighting. Thanks!
Asked by Kim on January 24, 2025
5i Research Answer:

Despite different timeframes, we would still prefer a combination approach so that an investor knows exactly how much single company risk they are taking. Timeframes do matter, but we would consider this a risk analysis first. 

Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in NVDA.