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  5. GOOG: Hello Peter and team, Any idea why well health is trending down? [Alphabet Inc.]
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Q: Hello Peter and team,
Any idea why well health is trending down? For AI exposure would amzn, msft, and goog be good plays or would I be better off with etf, CHAT. Sorry i was not able to get the symbol from your search list.. Thank you
Asked by umedali on January 23, 2025
5i Research Answer:

WELL looks to be consolidating after its one year 76% gain. We still like it a lot for the sector and would not be too concerned on its 5% YTD decline. We would expect more M&A activity and its possible spin out this year should attract attention. CHAT has done well and of course would be more diversified than holding a few individual companies. But we think the three tech stocks noted would be fine for AI exposure and no fees. Note the ETF has 15% exposure in these three stocks already. We could go either way here, but with three stocks one also gets the flexibility of tax losses if one declines. 

Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in AMZN, GOOG, MSFT.