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  5. FXC: how can I go long with the cdn dollar without buying a futures contract, since that would require my to open a new account with a broker. [CurrencyShares Canadian Dollar ETF]
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Q: how can I go long with the cdn dollar without buying a futures contract, since that would require my to open a new account with a broker. looking for leverage and a long time play, how to you feel about this trade?
Asked by auftar on January 22, 2025
5i Research Answer:

There are not a lot of options other than just holding C$ cash. There is an ETF that represents the C$, symbol FXC in NY. Assets are $61M, fees 0.40%, no leverage. It is down 4.4% in the past year with the C$ falling. Generally, we would view such securities as a 'bet' on a currency, rather than an investment. We would, today, still prefer the US$ overall.