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  5. AEM: Hi 5i Team, I want to add some exposure to the gold sector to my portfolio. [Agnico Eagle Mines Limited]
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Q: Hi 5i Team,
I want to add some exposure to the gold sector to my portfolio. What would you suggest given the current market? Gold bullion ETF (CGL), Equity ETF (XGD or ZGD) or invest directly in a Gold producer like AEM ? And what % would you suggest for a mid-40 investor?
Asked by Benoit on January 22, 2025
5i Research Answer:

Sector allocations need to be personal, but we would suggest 5% to 10% as a guide. 10% if one is particularly worried about inflation and/or some other crisis. Generally, stocks have more leverage, but more risk. For general exposure we would be very comfortable with XGD as a diversfied ETF for the sector.