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  5. CLS: Is Celestica's performance supported by fundamentals. [Celestica Inc.]
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Q: Is Celestica's performance supported by fundamentals.
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Asked by Peter on January 17, 2025
5i Research Answer:

Yes and no. Business is very good, and growth is expected in the 20% range this year. It is getting closer with customers in developing products so is become less of being 'just' a manufacturer. The last quarter was very good and earnings estimates have been rising. Brokers are increasing their target prices. But we also say no (partially) because one of the reasons it is rising is scarcity. It is one of the only large cap Canadian companies that has a strong connection to AI. Canadian and US investors see it as an AI play, and as such it is much cheaper than many in the sector. While there is some AI connection, certainly, CLS also has a lot of boring, low-margin business as well. But with the AI connection its valuation has shifted from its historical levels. Stock momentum is excellent, and it is hitting new highs while the overall market wobbles. We still like it, but it does need to meet and exceed forecasts to keep this party going.