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  5. MEG: I think we might get an opportunity to buy o&g names at a discount soon as they are already pulling back out of fear of Trump tariffs, even though oil prices have been stronger. [MEG Energy Corp.]
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Q: I think we might get an opportunity to buy o&g names at a discount soon as they are already pulling back out of fear of Trump tariffs, even though oil prices have been stronger. If you could only invest in 1 or 2 oil or gas names on the pullback, with the qualifier that its not a forever hold and I'm looking for something with decent torque to the upside when political worries go away, what names would you pick? As an example I'd probably avoid CNQ since it doesn't drop as much when oil is negative, but also doesn't go up as much when oil is positive. Thx
Asked by Adam on January 17, 2025
5i Research Answer:

We would side with TOU and CNQ as a general selection, but for torque as noted in the question we would side with TVE and MEG.