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  5. DOL: Jan 3, DOL was one of your top picks for Canadian stocks in 2025. [Dollarama Inc.]
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Q: Jan 3, DOL was one of your top picks for Canadian stocks in 2025. Since that date all questions asking you to rate buys, DOL was always rated last. Please explain what you would do if had intended to hold the stock for another 3 years with a good embedded capital gain. Thank you
Asked by Richard on January 17, 2025
5i Research Answer:

Keep in mind rankings are subjective and can vary daily on pricing and how questions were phrased. In most of the prior questions, there was a group of stocks that were all heavily skewed towards growth. We do like DOL as a 'safe' growth pick, but there are many stocks with higher growth rates, higher potential, and higher risk/volatility/valuation. So while we like it, many others may rank higher for growth. In some other rankings, some of the listed stocks were beaten up and have strong recovery potential, so they may rank higher in the short term on bounce potential. We would be very comfortable holding the stock for a three-year period and do like it.