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  5. GOOG: I was thinking of adding my recent TFSA contribution to EQB however then started wondering if some of the growth oriented US$ holdings in the account would be a better option. [Alphabet Inc.]
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Q: I was thinking of adding my recent TFSA contribution to EQB however then started wondering if some of the growth oriented US$ holdings in the account would be a better option. 5I has been positive about EQB but I wonder if it will have a lack lustre performance due to it being in the weak Cdn economy….that is, it may be a good company but limited to how well it can do. Your thoughts about all this, please. Thank you for your excellent service.
Asked by Leonard on January 06, 2025
5i Research Answer:

While we do think the US will outperform Canada, we do not think investors need to abandon Canada. EQB has a good niche and nice potential, and is priced very well at 8.3X earnings. We would not consider it a SELL. That being said, if it is already owned we would be fine adding a US holding, such as JPM in financials, or GOOG in tech/communications, for diversification as well as higher growth potential. 

Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in GOOG, JPM.