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  5. BMR: What do you think about these two stocks. [Battery Mineral Resources Corp.]
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Q: What do you think about these two stocks. TSSI has been on a tear lately. BMR on the other hand is struggling but has some nice contracts with Nvidia and others.
Asked by Imtiaz on January 07, 2025
5i Research Answer:

TSSI was a 24-cent stock less than a year ago, so is not one we are intimately familiar with. Even with huge gains, market cap is small at $305M. It does have a decent revenue base, and the data centre sector remains very strong. It is more on the construction and maintenance side of things as opposed to tech. But it is profitable with positive cash flow. Insiders own 17%. The balance sheet is fine with net cash. It has no analyst coverage. It's interesting, certainly, for a high risk small cap. Historical revenue has bounced around, but it is clearly on a roll right now with Q3 revenue up 689% (!). There has been lots of insider selling, but that is fairly typical with a stock up 4,000%. BMR is only $70M market cap, even after a 143% one-year gain. It has $14M cash but no reported revenue and negative cash flow. Serving the video compression industry, we would consider it too small and too risky to endorse right now. 

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