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  5. SIS: Last year, about this time you listed a number of stocks you thought could do well in the year ahead. [Savaria Corporation]
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Q: Last year, about this time you listed a number of stocks you thought could do well in the year ahead. The only one of these that I picked up was Savaria, and I’m up about 30%.

I’m now curious about your thoughts on the current valuation, and specifically on the percentage of revenue from US /international and how the cheap CDN dollar will affect SIS revenue.

Asked by Cameron on January 06, 2025
5i Research Answer:

We still like SIS; it did dip a bit near year end, likely on investor concerns on tariffs. $141M in sales last year (2023) were to Canada, $359M to the US, and $336M  to 'other countries'. It is 22X earnings currently, which we would consider neither cheap nor overly expensive. Even with tariffs, analysts expect 30% growth in 2025. The balance sheet is a bit levered but not by a worrying amount. The last quarter was OK but not great. A cheap Canadian dollar could help a bit, with SIS still having significant domestic expenses and substantial international sales. All-in, we think the long term story is very much intact, though there might not be significant short term excitement. We would not expect a 38% gain like in 2025.