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  5. CM: I have a full position in CM and am up 58% in a taxable account. [Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce]
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Q: I have a full position in CM and am up 58% in a taxable account. With CM tied more to the Canadian economy and with this economy on the verge of recession, would it make sense to take profits in CM, pay the tax and reinvest the money in RY or TD which have a larger stake in the US economy? CM has a larget dividend than RY but a lower one thanTD, although TD is affected by growth restrictions in the US. Or would you just ride CM?
Asked by Ken on January 06, 2025
5i Research Answer:

The Canadian banks do tend to perform similarly over time, and after taxes, we are not sure this switch would be overly worthwhile. Overall we would probably prefer RY over CM and with a longer timeframe, a switch could make sense but we wouldn't view it as a clear or obvious 'win'.