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  5. XFLI: Hi Peter, I was looking for a low risk income product and wanted to get your thoughts of these two funds. [iShares Flexible Monthly Income ETF]
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Q: Hi Peter, I was looking for a low risk income product and wanted to get your thoughts of these two funds. Which one would you recommend for low risk income. I would like to diversify my holdings into some quality fixed income. If there is something else you prefer - I would appreciate it.

Asked by Frank on January 02, 2025
5i Research Answer:

XFLI offers exposure to government related entities with credit quality rated at B or above. PHN5280 is a high yield bond fund focused more on corporate bonds rated BBB or below and 85% allocated to Canada. So, the two are a but different and XFLI is is likely a bit safer but we would not be too concerened on the risk profile overall between the two. We think think the decision comes down to more if an investor wants corporate Canadian bond exposure or something more international and related to government-backed income securities.