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  5. BAM: This Friday, BAM shareholders (but no other Brookfield entity, correct? [Brookfield Asset Management Ltd. Class A Limited Voting Shares]
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Q: This Friday, BAM shareholders (but no other Brookfield entity, correct?) will vote on becoming US-domiciled, and, as-such, eligible for inclusion in US indices.

Assuming approval, (a) should this change catalyze an expansion of its P/E multiple (or is that already priced-in), and (b) should this change catalyze, indirectly, a proportional expansion for BN?

Asked by John on December 18, 2024
5i Research Answer:

It is probably at least partially priced in. However, there are hundreds of funds that are only allowed to onw US companies, so there should be some extra demand and possible valuation increase, over time.