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  5. HHL: If I understand correctly, HHL is a Canadian ETF that holds US or maybe global Health Care stocks, and HHL. [Harvest Healthcare Leaders Income ETF]
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Q: If I understand correctly, HHL is a Canadian ETF that holds US or maybe global Health Care stocks, and HHL.U is the same fund in US$.
For US$ Health Care covered call ETF, would you recommend the HHL.U or would some other similar ETF be more suitable?
Thank you
Asked by jery on December 11, 2024
5i Research Answer:

The two funds (they are the same, just trade in different currency) are 'global' but right now are 85% invested in the US. UK is 5%, Switzerland is 4%. Indicated yield is 8.97%. One-year return 11.73%. We would be quite comfortable owning this for a covered call sector position. We would be fine with the US version to get US distributions with no f/x conversion fees (if held in a US dollar account).