Vanguard Balanced ETF Portfolio (VBAL)
Vanguard Growth ETF Portfolio (VGRO)
iShares Core Balanced ETF Portfolio (XBAL)
iShares Core Growth ETF Portfolio (XGRO)
Q: Out of these four, which one do you think would have the best return over a 3 to 5 year time period? Looking for something "safe" and steady.
5i Research Answer:
The main difference here is the allocation to equities, with VGRO at 80%, XBAL at 62%, XGRO at 81% and VBAL at 60%. Higher equity exposure will give higher potential returns, but also higher volatility. Considering the 'safe and stready' requirement, we would side with VBAL, with the caveat that it will still not be risk free, but the timeframe should allow for decent returns in a normal market.