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  5. TFII: What are your thoughts on their earnings. [TFI International Inc.]
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Q: What are your thoughts on their earnings. I currently have 2%. Do you consider to add more or wait until price settle down after earnings and then buy.

Thanks for the great service.
Asked by Hector on October 21, 2024
5i Research Answer:

EPS of $1.60 missed estimates of $1.78; revenue of $2.185B missed estimates of $2.27B. EBITDA of $357.2M missed estimates of $371.2M. EPS did rise from $1.57 last year. Revenue rose 14% with acquisitions helping. Truckload revenue rose 80%, logistics rose 2.5%. Operating income rose 1.3%. The dividend was raised by 13%. The company noted "Business conditions for US LTL are challenging". Still free cash flow was $270M, up 37% from the prior year. We expect investors will be a bit disappointed, with the dividend hike offsetting a bit. We would be OK buying some if it dips a few dollars, but the after market trading right now is quite muted, at least so far (down 1.3%).