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  5. SPLV: Hello 5i, Could you recommend 3 ETFS that you would consider for a 70 years old retiree. [Invesco S&P 500 Low Volatility ETF]
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Q: Hello 5i,

Could you recommend 3 ETFS that you would consider for a 70 years old retiree. My portfolio is currently 95% in Equities both in Dividend ETFS (VDY, ZEB, XEI and XDIV and individual shares (ENB, RY, TELUS, and BMO.)

Thank You,
Asked by Yves on October 23, 2024
5i Research Answer:

AOM (US) is a 'moderate' allocation ETF with 40% stock exposure and 60% bond exposure. SPLV is a low volatility ETF in the US (there will still be market risk). VBAL is a balanced fund in Canada with a roughly 60/40 exposure to stocks and bonds, respectively.