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  5. HPYT: I知 considering whether I should invest in TLT, HPYT, or a combination of both. [Harvest Premium Yield Treasury ETF]
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Q: I知 considering whether I should invest in TLT, HPYT, or a combination of both. I understand that HPYT has a much higher yield, but I知 struggling to fully understand why. TLT, which makes up around 70% of HPYT痴 holdings, only has a yield of about 4.3%, which makes me wonder how HPYT can achieve such a significantly higher yield. I understand the basics of covered call ETFs, but what kind of options are they trading to generate this yield? There seems to be something I知 missing here幼ould you also explain the additional risks that come with HPYT's elevated yield?
Asked by Patrick on October 22, 2024
5i Research Answer:

HPYT writes covered call options on its portfolio, for up to 100% of its securities. The call option premium accounts for the much higher yield. In a sector rally, TLT will probably outperform as it does not have call option exposure at all. But in the interim, HPYT will offer a higher yield, certainly. But their focus is quite different overall because of the option strategy. The long term treasury market is quite volatile, and thus call options (which vary for the fund) can be quite lucrative because of this. It uses 'regular' options but with varying maturities and strike prices. Its portfolio can still benefit from lower interest rates as well, up to the point of its option exercise prices. For example, TLT is up 15.21% in a year, and these types of bond gains can also be reflected in the distribution yield of HPYT.