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  5. VBNK: Versabank recently made a new 52 week hi. [VersaBank]
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Q: Versabank recently made a new 52 week hi. Is this a company with a substancial growth and profitability platform ahead and one you would suggest as a timely investment?
Asked by Craig on October 15, 2024
5i Research Answer:

The stock has done very well, up 43% this year, yet is still relatively cheap at 12X earnings. Growth has been good and consistent, with EPS doubling from 2022 to this year's estimates, with a further 40%+ growth expected in 2025. The last quarter was a bit mixed, however. Insiders own 13% directly and 33% through a holding company, so the float is very tight. It has size risk and sector risk, but otherwise looks quite good for a small cap investment in the financial sector. It has been profitable every year since 2013.