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  5. HSAV: Hi, I'm looking to park some Cdn funds in a high interest savings ETF, and use TD as my bank. [Global X Cash Maximizer Corporate Class ETF]
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Q: Hi,
I'm looking to park some Cdn funds in a high interest savings ETF, and use TD as my bank. I found HISA, but don't know anything about the .NE exchange - if you could enlighten me on that - and let me know if there are better products that this, I would appreciate it!
Thanks for all your consistently great advice!
Asked by Dawn on October 15, 2024
5i Research Answer:

There as lots of similar ETF options: CASH, PSA, HSAV to name a few. The latter can be of interest as it is similar yet does not pay distributions, so can be helpful for some investors managing tax exposure. The NEO is a relatively new exchange, competing on price and offering alternatives for smaller companies. For an ETF, we would not consider the exchange problematic in any way and would be very comfortable using it.