Q: Hi Peter and Staff
I own 6 REITS, 3 are residential. Inter rent has not performed as well as Killam and CAP in the last year. I hesitate to consolidate by deleting it and increasing the other two if there have been reasons for this that may reverse but do not want to keep it if it is a value trap.
Thanks for all you do
I own 6 REITS, 3 are residential. Inter rent has not performed as well as Killam and CAP in the last year. I hesitate to consolidate by deleting it and increasing the other two if there have been reasons for this that may reverse but do not want to keep it if it is a value trap.
Thanks for all you do
5i Research Answer:
IIP.UN is a growth oriented residential REIT that trades at a premium despite its smaller size. We still like it and think it has growth upside relative to larger names. We would attribute the weaker year-to-date results due to size. KMP.UN and CAR.UN larger and more levered so in a declining rate environment, these REITs may have a greater short-term benefit vs. a smaller name like IIP.UN. Please also see this answer from today for more on IIP.UN.