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  5. ZEB: Good day, Your humble opinion on this CDN. [BMO Equal Weight Banks Index ETF]
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Q: Good day, Your humble opinion on this CDN. bank etf. Thanks again
Asked by Darby on October 08, 2024
5i Research Answer:

The TD Canadian Bank Dividend ETF (TBNK) has a small AUM of $23.4M, a decent MER of 0.25%, and a distribution yield of 4.3%. It seeks to track the large Canadian banks, and places a higher weighting towards those with higher dividend growth rates. Currently it has a large weighting towards NA, TD, and RY. Over the past 10 years it has performed very closely with the BMO Equal Weight Banks ETF (ZEB), which has a much better AUM of $3.7B. 

We think the concept of TBNK is interesting, but largely, given the similar performances, we would prefer ZEB.