Q: Please help me understand On proxy form,I vote to acquire all units of fund for common shares of new co.or cash as the case maybe. On booklet attached with proxy form it statyes:one unit of Aw.un for one share or $37 in cash or combination consideration consisting of 67.5% in shares and balance of 32.5% in cash. In sum what am I getting? Txs for U usual services & views
5i Research Answer:
It depends on what unit holders choose. Choosing all units should see holders get all new units. Choosing cash it will depend on what other unitholders choose as the cash portion is capped. But most likely it will be 67.5%/32.5% for those that choose cash (usually, most shareholders prefer cash). Choosing the split option should not result in any further pro-rata allocation and will be 67.5%/32.5%.