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  5. HBND: Hi, I am wondering what percentage split one should have between long term bonds and short term t-bills on the cash side of their portfolio. [Hamilton U.S. Bond YIELD MAXIMIZER TM ETF]
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Q: Hi, I am wondering what percentage split one should have between long term bonds and short term t-bills on the cash side of their portfolio. I realize that it is somewhat an individual choice, but can you give me a ballpark kind of split. My investments are presently 70% equities, and 30% cash equivalents. Thanks
Asked by Greg on October 07, 2024
5i Research Answer:

Interest rates are hard to predict, so we prefer a mix. Also, we tend to keep 'cash equivalents' low since cash will underperform, longer term. We would suggest 25% long term, 50% medium, 20% short and 5% cash equivalents.